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Known Earring Studs

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Product Details

What are some of the things God has been whispering into your ear?


Is he telling you to trust Him and go after that scary thing? Is He telling you to lean into him through a rough season? Is He simply telling you how known and loved you are?


We designed our new collection, Whispers, with the intention of keeping what God is whispering to us close, as a reminder to always having our ears open for what He is saying.


You couldn’t be known more than you are by Jesus and you couldn’t be loved more by Jesus. You are completely known and you are completely loved. No person can love you the way Jesus does. Nothing can satisfy your heart the way that Jesus will. You don’t have to strive for His love. You don’t have to change for His love. You don’t have to beg for His love. 

You just have to be His, and you are. You are deeply known and fully loved. 


14kt Gold Filled cross earring

Displayed on thick luxury cotton letterpress paper with corresponding verse on the back.

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Known Earring Studs

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